

ODDO BHF AM is convinced that the most virtuous companies on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues are also the best performers over the longer term. This conviction is being supported by academic evidence in the field of ESG investing.
ODDO BHF AM provides investors with a wealth of documentation on its approach and on ESG issues. This includes research papers, sector analyses, engagement reports, and brochures on ESG.


Our approach

Responsible Investment Policy Private Assets (January 2023)

Responsible Investment Policy Private Assets (January 2023)

As an UN PRI signatory, we believe that ESG considerations are vital. Responsible investing is a business imperative that makes us more effective at finding investment opportunities while generating better outcomes for all stakeholders. We are driven by the conviction that addressing environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues is crucial to investment management and can have a material impact on value creation and long-term success. The Responsible Investment Policy outlines the objectives, approach and engagements for the private assets activities.

Responsible Investment Policy (June 2022)

Responsible Investment Policy (December 2024)

ODDO BHF Asset Management's approach has been driven since 2006 by the conviction that, as an asset management company, it has a role to play in the transition of our societies towards a more sustainable model. This document aims to explain the sustainable approach, the ESG methodologies developed, the means implemented in favor of sustainable development and the good governance policy adopted by ODDO BHF Asset Management.

Exclusion Policy (February 2022 )

Exclusion Policy (June 2023)

As a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2010, our sustainable investment approach is based on a long-term investment philosophy underlain by our convictions. Against this backdrop, ODDO BHF AM SAS (France) and ODDO BHF AM GmbH (Germany), operating under the single brand of ODDO BHF Asset Management, have established an exclusion policy regarding certain controversial activities and sectors and/or practices that are contrary to major international agreements.

ESG Integration Policy - Article 173 paragraph VI of the Energy Transition Law for Green Growth (July 2021)

Responsible Investor Report (June 2023) - Article 29 of law n°2019-1147 (Energy-Climate Law - known as “LEC”)

The Principles for Responsible Investment are in keeping with our approach to asset management, which is based on fundamental analysis and a long-term investment horizon in order to factor in risks and opportunities effectively. We thus ensure that those ESG criteria that are significant to investors are reflected in our analysis and evaluation of issuers, just like traditional financial criteria.

Annual PRI reporting (2020)

Annual PRI reporting (2021)

PRI Reporting allows signatories to be aware of both their strong points and their areas for improvement. Signatories are also confidentially rated and evaluated against their peers. Signatories can share private reports, and PRIs make certain information public to promote transparency. PRI annual reporting integrates different elements that combine transparency, engagement and performance.


Regulatory Documents

All sustainability-focused documents with a regulatory disclosure requirement: shareholder engagement policy, shareholder engagement report, transparency of adverse sustainability impacts, SFDR sustainability risk policy, mutual funds SFDR classification

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