The ODDO BHF Polaris fund range offers diversified investment solutions for investors with different risk profiles.
Discover the ODDO BHF Polaris range in video
The most important performance driver is the selection of quality stocks and bonds with, according to our analysis, a long-term perspective. Historically, ODDO BHF Polaris funds have held up well even in difficult markets characterised by extreme fluctuations in value. The investment research provider Morningstar currently rates all four funds of the ODDO BHF Polaris range with four or five stars out of a possible five.
ODDO BHF Polaris Moderate, ODDO BHF Polaris Balanced, ODDO BHF Polaris Dynamic and ODDO BHF Polaris Flexible also have Morningstar sustainability ratings of four and five globes respectively and exclude more than 20% of their investment universe (MSCI ACWI Index) based on strict ESG criteria. In addition, at least 90% of the securities in the portfolio are rated according to non-financial aspects.
In line with ODDO BHF AM's sustainable investment policy, the four funds also exclude companies that violate the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. In order to obtain an A rating, no company is included in the portfolio that has been rated the weakest on the MSCI scale. Through systematic dialogue with the companies held in the portfolio, the fund managers are able to ensure that the funds are ESG-compliant.
Taking environmental, social and corporate governance aspects into account when investing is not, as is sometimes assumed, at odds with the financial return of sustainably managed investments. It is too short-sighted to link sustainability only with a restriction of the investment universe, for example by excluding environmentally harmful sectors. Rather, it is primarily a matter of including criteria in securities analysis that are of decisive importance for sustainable investment success. Therefore, the integration of ESG criteria into the investment process of the four ODDO BHF Polaris funds is a valuable addition to our fundamental analyses.
Our Polaris-Funds in Detail
** Sub-fund of ODDO BHF Exklusiv
Investors are reminded that past performance is not a reliable indication of future returns and is not constant over time.
In case of subscription, investors must consult the Key Information Document (KID) and the fund’s prospectus in order to acquaint themselves with the detailed nature of any risks incurred in particular the risk of capital loss.