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ODDO BHF AM supports the first global investor engagement coalition on the ''Just Transition''
Paris, 30 June 2021
“Finance for Tomorrow” announces today the launch of the first global investor engagement coalition on the Just Transition to promote a socially acceptable transition to low-carbon economies. This coalition brings together asset managers and asset owners of the French financial ecosystem, along with corporates representing 3.6 trillion euros.
With the COP26 to be held in a context marked by the social and economic fallout from the Covid-19 crisis, the concept of the Just Transition has emerged to address global and systemic issues such as climate change and social disparity. Indeed, the environmental transition will only be possible through the consideration of social factors, whether these relate to and affect workers, local communities, consumers, or civil society as a whole.
Investors have a major role to play in ensuring this socially acceptable Just Transition. As a founding member, ODDO BHF AM will commit to engaging with companies, encouraging them to integrate the social aspects of the transition into their strategies and to highlight best practices within key industries.