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Focus on: Artificial Intelligence: Is it a game changer?

Perspectivas de mercado 11.05.2022



Artificial intelligence (AI) is a buzzword across our daily lives. Researchers and businesses alike now explore the potential of smart algorithms, powered by machine learning, to change the way we live, work and play. As we move into the next era, we must consider not only the huge opportunity presented by artificial intelligence, but also its risks and limits, and how it could change the human experience.

To an extent, we are already living through this game change. A key example is healthcare. ‘There is a full ecosystem of US drug development companies that are completely ruled by AI,’ explains Brice Prunas, Global Equity Portfolio Manager at ODDO BHF. Indeed, it’s thanks to these systems that the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine was produced in two months, rather than the usual 20. 

There is also wide scope in medicine to use AI to not only be more precise, reducing unnecessary drug use and tailoring care, but to predict ailments in advance. In one example, new AI-powered techniques now enable doctors to detect a cancer signature up to two years before a tumour would be visible on scans. All of this data has huge potential, but also raises new questions.

While computers have moved from simple calculation to perception and decision making, much of their activity is still a ‘black box’, with unclear internal logic. Data also sets a limit on potential. ‘A self-driving car can only work with the data provided and apply rules. When they meet an entirely new situation, they won’t be able to react,’ says Dr. Luc Julia, Chief Scientific Officer for Renault Group. 

What is clear, however, is that artificial intelligence will continue to grow in power and scope, automating new tasks from content creation to home management. This frees a huge amount of human time, as well as opening the door for new services and growth. As Dr Luc Julia explains, ‘We need to work to put the human back in the middle of the AI - there’s no AI without humans.’



ODDO BHF Live 2022


Aurélie Jean, Computational scientist, CEO and founder of In Silico Veritas, and CAIO and co-founder of DPEEX

Jeremy Harroch, Founder & CEO of Quantemetry

Dr. Luc Julia, Co-creator of Siri, directed Siri at Apple and currently the Chief Scientific Officer for Renault Group

Antoine Blondeau, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Alpha Intelligence Capital (AIC)

Brice Prunas, Thematic Equity Portfolio Manager, Artificial Intelligence at ODDO BHF





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